XO, Angela

3 Ingredient Holiday Ornaments

Looking to get crafty for the holidays? We found this DIY holiday ornament craft from Fountain Avenue Kitchen that is a ton of fun. It’s so easy, and there are several different steps your little ones can help out with. All you need are 3 ingredients and a few items you will most likely already have in your kitchen. We passed these out to aunts and uncles at Thanksgiving dinner and everyone loved how they smelled! Here’s what you’ll need:

 – 3/4 cup applesauce, plus a few extra tablespoons
 – 1 cup of cinnamon
 – 2 tablespoons of white liquid glue (we used Elmer’s)

Extra supplies:
 – Twine or ribbon for hanging
 – Straw or pencil for making a hole in the ornaments
 – Cookie cutters
 – Rolling pin
 – Sprinkles

1 – Mix together the applesauce, glue and ground cinnamon, and add in the extra applesauce a little at a time to make a dough consistency

2 – Roll out the dough. Pro tip: sprinkle a little flour on your counter or cutting board so the dough doesn’t stick.

3 – Use your cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes, and gently use your straw or pencil to poke a hole through the top for string.

4 – Gently dab a little water on the ornaments before adding sprinkles so they stick better. We lightly pressed the sprinkles into the ornaments. You can also use frosting to decorate. I stayed away from this since I knew my son would want to eat it all!

5 – Place ornaments on parchment lined baking sheet, or you can use a pampered chef pan. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 1 hour. Let cool (they may be a little soft so let them sit and harden) and attach string for hanging.

Have you ever tried making your own ornaments? If so, which ingredients did you use? Would love for you to share in the comments below!

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